Sally, our guest Labrador, left us on Tuesday afternoon when she was collected by her hudad. I think she was pleased to see him (though not as pleased as he was to see her) - certainly her tail seemed to wag more vigorously than normal (if that were possible).
As a result we are now just 3, Kiva and Mylo along with guest dog Kukko - certainly walks are a lot easier; 3 dogs are considerably easier to manage than 4, especially when one of the 4 was a 35kg cat chasing one.
It's interesting to note how the dynamics between the dogs has changed. Kiva and Kukko seem to be playing with eachother even more - the times when Mylo and Kukko play are a joy to watch, top dog is not an issue during these moments of fun.
With Sally now gone we have been able to identify which dog it has been that has been reminding us that it's 7.00 and time to get up; just to remind you - Kiva and Mylo NEVER make a noise until we have shown ourselves ;-).
On Thursday I took the 3 dogs out for the day to visit a Lapphund breeder friend - an opportunity for the dogs to make new friends and enjoy the countryside - Kukko is SUCH a good traveller - he even jumps into the back of the Jeep - something I wish that Kiva and Mylo might have learnt from.
Kukko seems to be enjoying his new diet - he may well have lost a little weight - though he is still a little bugger when it comes to wanting to see what food might have been left on the kitchen work surfaces :-).
The dogs are just about to enjoy (I hope) their morning constitutional - I hope to be able to add some more pictures later on today.
Friday, 18 September 2009
Tuesday, 15 September 2009
A Day at Dogs to Stay
Today is Sally's last day with us and to mark the occasion she managed to wake us at 6.45 am by managing to turn the TV on with a single wag of her tail - as a result our day started a little earlier than usual, no bad thing really as it meant more time to enjoy the company of the pack of 4. The dynamics between them has been quite amazing to watch - they are all such different characters yet, at the same time so similar - all of them so easily pleased.
As I write Sally is asleep under my desk, Kukko is asleep behind my chair, Mylo lying in the chair to my right (his favourite haunt whilst I am at my desk) and Kiva is, hang on, was to my left - she is now outside in the garden.
Sally does love to play fetch - I had hoped that her enthusiasm for fetching and retrieving a ball might rub off on the Lappies (to them retrieving a ball more than once is a no no) - sadly this was not to be the case especially after Kukko managed to destroy Sally's favourite ball. The picture above shows the 2 of them sharing its remains - Sally looks quite distraught.
On Saturday we heard from Jill, Kukko's owner, and I am sure that she wont object to me posting the some content from her email:
"Thanks so much for all the lovely photos. Came home yesterday and the house is eerily quiet. Frodo ecstatic!! I’ve been very ill indeed with an infection. Having Becky coming in to show me the blog has been fantastic. I don’t know what I’d have done without you and your dogs to look after Kukko."
Jill - it is a pleasure, he is a lovely boy and a joy to have as part of the pack - he will be missed when he goes back home to you.
As I write Sally is asleep under my desk, Kukko is asleep behind my chair, Mylo lying in the chair to my right (his favourite haunt whilst I am at my desk) and Kiva is, hang on, was to my left - she is now outside in the garden.

"Thanks so much for all the lovely photos. Came home yesterday and the house is eerily quiet. Frodo ecstatic!! I’ve been very ill indeed with an infection. Having Becky coming in to show me the blog has been fantastic. I don’t know what I’d have done without you and your dogs to look after Kukko."
Jill - it is a pleasure, he is a lovely boy and a joy to have as part of the pack - he will be missed when he goes back home to you.
I posted this one of Kiva and Mylo because I can - they are wonderful in the way that they accept other dogs into their home, accepting the guests as part of the pack at Dogs to Stay without question.
Lappy days indeed.
Saturday, 12 September 2009
Happy Saturday
Phil - I hope your gig goes well tonight but don't overdo the Retsina.

and licks her hand to say thank you

Jill - We all hope you are feeling much better and on the road to a full recovery.
This is the first chance I have had to sit down in front of my PC and be able to update the blog - well it was a beautiful day yesterday so I decided to enjoy the weather and the garden with the dogs. Lou took a few pictures of them yesterday - I hope that seeing these shows just how chilled and happy they are here.

Kukko helps Louise update the blog

Sally and Kukko share the sofa
Mylo just chills
Earlier in the evening the dogs enjoyed the company of Lucky, one of our cats - she didn't seem to mind.
Kiva, meanwhile, got closer to Sally
Thursday, 10 September 2009
Sally Says Hello
In between sleeping that is .... zzzzzzzz
She has just come back from a walk across the fields and is snoring at my feet whilst I write. How's your weather? The sky here is cloudless and the sun is shining - probably a bit like Corfu.
Sally is fine and has settled in superbly - she even gets on with the cats.
We hope you are enjoying the Greek isles, not drinking too much and rehearsing busily ready for Saturday.
Lappy days
Kukko Speaks
I am loving being here with Kiva and Mylo again, it's a little different from last time as there is also another dog here - her name is Sally, she is a black Labrador. She is good fun to play with but does spend a lot of time sleeping whilst I just want to play, just as well Kiva is here because she is always up for a chase (wink wink). Mylo keeps an eye on her though to make sure I am not being too boisterous with her - if I am he quickly lets me know my putting himself in between Kiva and I.
I am eating some interesting new food, Nature Diet Light served with enough vegetables to open a market stall - I look and feel pretty good though, I can even get through the dog flap now.
I have just come back from a walk around the village and across some fields - Sally is asleep (no change there then) under the desk, Kiva is in the shade outside and Mylo in his kennel, I am sitting next to Simon telling him what to write.
I hope that you are getting better and that I will be able to come home to you soon, it's really nice here but not as nice as being with you.
Tuesday, 8 September 2009
4 More
No, not another TV channel, but the header for our latest pack of Mylo and Kiva who have been joined by Kuuko (a returning Lappy) and Sally, the rather lovely, though incredibly strong, black Lab.
Kukko is with us for a couple of weeks whilst his owner recovers from an operation, get well soon Jill :-), and he was collected yesterday afternoon and soon settled in to his familiar surroundings. Sally joined him a couple of hours later, she belongs to a neighbour who is "gigging" abroad at a music festival in Corfu, humph.
It didn't take our guests long to establish a hierarchy and other than a couple of very minor spats all is calm. Sally likes to sit, or lie next to me or my father, who is visiting from the States, Kukko is happy being anywhere as long as there is a bone involved and Kiva and Mylo are acting as the perfect hosts.
Meal times are interesting to say the least - 4 dogs, 4 different meals, 3 dogs on weight loss diets and Kiva who just takes her time savouring every mouthful as 3 dogs watch her. Walking the pack is a little tricky - first off I needed to work out weights per brace so that my left and right sides were balanced, unfortunately that meant one pair were pulling far too much - in the end it was Mylo and Sally on my left with Kiva and Kuuko on my right - perfect until they spotted a squirrel.
The evening was remarkably calm before the dogs were put down to bed in the kitchen. It is quite evident that Sally likes spending the night with humans as she was a little vocal until we gave them access to the lounge - a peaceful night ensued.
As I write I have Mylo under my desk, Sally to my left and Kiva and Kukko sharing a bone to my right. Lappy days indeed.
Kukko is with us for a couple of weeks whilst his owner recovers from an operation, get well soon Jill :-), and he was collected yesterday afternoon and soon settled in to his familiar surroundings. Sally joined him a couple of hours later, she belongs to a neighbour who is "gigging" abroad at a music festival in Corfu, humph.
It didn't take our guests long to establish a hierarchy and other than a couple of very minor spats all is calm. Sally likes to sit, or lie next to me or my father, who is visiting from the States, Kukko is happy being anywhere as long as there is a bone involved and Kiva and Mylo are acting as the perfect hosts.
Meal times are interesting to say the least - 4 dogs, 4 different meals, 3 dogs on weight loss diets and Kiva who just takes her time savouring every mouthful as 3 dogs watch her. Walking the pack is a little tricky - first off I needed to work out weights per brace so that my left and right sides were balanced, unfortunately that meant one pair were pulling far too much - in the end it was Mylo and Sally on my left with Kiva and Kuuko on my right - perfect until they spotted a squirrel.
The evening was remarkably calm before the dogs were put down to bed in the kitchen. It is quite evident that Sally likes spending the night with humans as she was a little vocal until we gave them access to the lounge - a peaceful night ensued.
As I write I have Mylo under my desk, Sally to my left and Kiva and Kukko sharing a bone to my right. Lappy days indeed.
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