Monday, 31 May 2010

Hector's In The House

On Saturday Hector came to join us for a week, he is a 10 month old Springer Spaniel, one of Louise's favourite breeds and one that we did consider before deciding on Finnish Lapphunds.  He is a very well mannered dog and quickly settled in to life at Dogs to Stay - he found where the toy box was and proceded to empty it, the lounge floor quickly getting covered with bones, chews and toys.

Mylo watched on with disgust finally deciding that pretending to sleep would be the best option.
Talking of sleep; Hector's first night passed quietly, I think he enjoyed the company of Kiva and Mylo.
As I write the dogs are still sleeping off today's earlier walk, the best part of 5 miles in nice weather and good company as we were joined by Sally the black lab and Nina a black and white Munsterlander.  Lappy days indded.

Saturday, 8 May 2010

It's A Weekend So It Must Be Raining

Fortunately we missed the rain when we walked the pack - they are all now totally relaxed ... right, that's enough words let's allow the pictures to tell the story:

You might like to turn the sound off before playing the video clip - the breathing sounds as though it belongs in a horror movie ....

The Secret of Scrabble's Unbroken Night

will remain a secret ... suffice to say that it worked again last night.  As a result we almost overslept which would have been embarrassing as Fat Sal was due to arrive for the weekend at 8.00.

Fortunately we were up in good time,  just as well really as Phil was early delivering Sal.  No matter, all is well and, following breakfast, the pack are now well settled.  Smuu to the right of my chair, Tuukka on his bed, Sal on the sofa (no change there), Scrabble busy emptying the toy box, Kiva in the kitchen and Mylo in his kennel..... all is calm at Dogs to Stay.

Sadly yesterday's blue skies and sunshine have gone, it's grey, damp and miserable - hopefully it will have brightened up by the time the dogs get their first walk.

Friday, 7 May 2010

Mad Dogs and Englishmen ....

We had a busy day at Dogs to Stay yesterday as we played host to a couple from Wales who came to meet Kiva with a view to maybe having one of her puppies when she is mated this summer. Sue and Ralph are long term Samoyed owners but they are looking to downsize to a Lappy. They turned up with a bag full of treats - the dogs were most impressed - and spent a couple of hours with us interacting with the pack - Scrabble making his presence known, Smuu and Tuukka as chilled as always (I think that they were rather taken with Tuukka), Mylo being Mylo and Kiva winning hearts. 

After they left we met up with Fat Sal for a late afternoon walk.  I think that Scrabble found it all a bit tiring :-)

I have just got back from a walk with the 5 dogs and with them all chilled am able to get down to writing today's update, not that there's a lot more to say ....

The day started late, Scrabble sleeping through the night - I think we have found the secret to a good nights sleep ;-).  Breakfast was served, the dogs were walked, I checked the election results :-(

Now that we have discovered how to ensure Scrabble sleeps through the night I can safely say that our guests really are no trouble, Smuu and Tuukka are 2 of the most chilled guests we have ever had and I'm so glad that Smuu left her bark at home.  I am delighted with the way our own dogs get on with our visitors - though they are normally well behaved Mylo and Tuukka did have a minor set to when they first met some 3 years ago - I think that must have forgotten all about it as they are best mates now. Kiva enjoys being with her granny, I think that the feeling is reciprocated and Scrabble is, for a young puppy away from his humum for the first time very well behaved, he can be a pain in the butt sometimes - he seems to delight in trying to trip me up when we are out walking but he has grown on us, he's also groing up ... he can cock his leg now ;-)

Thursday, 6 May 2010

A short clip of 4 of the 5 dogs at Dogs to Stay.

Smuu - asleep at Lou's feet
Tuukka - asleep on his bed
Kiva - chilling
Scrabble - doing an impression of a cute dog
Mylo - sleeping in his kennel

Oh Joy - A Lie In

Well, a sort of lie in if you can call 6.45 late - Scrabble, you just have to love him don't you !! ???
After his early start and excursions (it must be very tiring making all of that noise) and after his morning walk and breakfast Scrabble is now asleep - an hours respite for me ;-)

I managed to get the grass cut yesterday - the guest dogs weren't bothered at all, maybe because they stayed indoors - planting up the tubs was another matter, Scrabble was desperate to help.  When the time came to hoover the living room - a daily job with 5 dogs, it was a different matter with Smuu and Tuukka seeking solace in the garden, yup, on the freshly mown lawn.

Smuu is happy to join in every walk and is showing no signs of aching joints, perhaps little and often is the answer - she certainly appears to look forward to the walks as does Tuukka.
Right - must get on as I have the house to get ready for this afternoon's visitors - a couple are coming across from Wales to meet Kiva as they are hoping to have one of her puppies (fingers crossed) this summer.

Lappy days

Wednesday, 5 May 2010

If there are any typos in this entry I do apologise but it will be due to me being incredibly tired.  Scrabble decided to make himself heard at 3.00 am and so as to not annoy the neighbours, or those living in the next village, it was necessary to come down stairs to placate him.  To be honest it wasn't that hard as he soon settled, so it was back to bed for me.  I later discovered that it is still dark at 5.15 am, yup, Scrabble made himself known again; same procedure, same results - peace, well at least until 7.15 am.

The little darling is asleep  right now, he's had his walk, enjoyed his breakfast and is now in what was once mine and then Mylo's chair.

Smuu was as eager for her morning walk as any dog we have had stay however I think that she was a little disappointed that she didn't see a squirrel in the churchyard like she did yesterday.  The picture below was taken 5 or 10 minutes ago - suffice to say that she is chilled.

Tuukka has sussed out where his food is kept and can be seen in the picture below loitering with intent - he is now sleeping on his bed.

Regular readers will have read that Mylo doesn't do beds or crates, unless, that is, they belong to our visitors - here he can be seen enjoying Scrabble's crate - how he got in there and turned around is beyond me.

Though bright and sunny yesterday was cold and the dogs were more than happy staying indoors - they enjoyed their walks and meeting the other canine residents of the village including Fat Sal, who will be with us at the weekend.  Today is again bright and looks as though it might be quite warm - time to do some gardening maybe.  I wonder how our guests react to lawnmowers - they sure don't like the Dyson.

Later today we will be meeting up with Fat Sal again for an afternoon stroll - this time I just hope that Scrabble doesn't try to trip me up ;-)

Lappy days.

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

When 3 Become 5

 woke at 6.25 this morning, an amazing stroke of luck because it was only one minute after Scrabble awoke - hence the blog being updated so early today.

Yesterday we said goodbye to Zomba - his hufamily have now got themselves pretty much organised in their new home so after breakfast we headed south to drop him off.

The day coincided with a prearranged gathering of Lappies in St. Albans and the collection of our next dogs; Kiva's grandparents Tuukka, Smuu and German Spitz Klein Scrabble.  In addition to the 3 new guests 3 other former guests at Dogs to Stay were also there; Taavi and Jaaka and Kiva's nephew Wheeto - we were pleasantly surprised to also see Finlay there (sadly no photos yet) - a rather wonderful wolf sable male.

It was typical bank holiday weather - we had sun, cloud and rain, we even had hail.  However bad weather does NOT deter the committed Lapphund walker or their dogs; 8 Lapphunds and 2 German Spitz Klein.  Apart from Kiva falling in the lake; a classic "Ooops TV2 moment and Mylo going walkabout in the restaurant it was an enjoyable way to spend a bank holiday.  The journey home wasn't too bad - however could someone please explain why the motorway has a 50 mph speed limit and signs saying "50mph to protect the workforce" when no one was working.

Once home the dogs quickly settled in, and down, Smuu and Tuuka finding their beds the perfect place to lie after their strenuous day, while Scrabble decided that he couldn't decide between one of the dog beds or the sofa.

Mylo being Mylo he too wanted to try out the beds;

I was delighted with the way that all of the dogs had integrated; the day's earlier walk had served to reinforce the pack philosophy as well as tire them out.

As I write a video recorded yesterday evening is being uploaded, Mylo is in the garden, Tuuka and Smuu are on their beds, Kiva is on the lawn and Scrabble is once again eager to jump up on my lap.

Lappy days indeed.

Sunday, 2 May 2010

An Unexpected Pleasure ....

Yesterday I took Keksi and Ismo back home leaving us with just Zomba who was, according to the booking, due to be going home today.

The dynamics have again changed, though Mylo and Kiva still rule the roost Zomba has more space to play, without stepping on Ismo's toes, OK, paws, however it is evident that he misses Keksi who was much more willing to play with him than Kiva.

Zomba doesn't seem perturbed though as he has discovered the contents of the dogs' toy box - Father Christmas seems to be popular as do all of the tuggy toys.

I mentioned that Zomba was due to go back home today ... well he's here for another night :-) and will be dropped off tomorrow en route to a Lappy reunion walk in St. Albans and the subsequent collection of 3 new guests.

It's a busy life at Dogs to Stay but I wouldn't have it any other way.

Saturday, 1 May 2010

Mayhem starring Keksi and Zomba, supporting cast includes Mylo, Ismo and Kiva

For a Short While 6 But Now Back to 5

After a day spent being walked around the village by the pack of 5 I had to nip out to collect Zomba, our next visitor.  Zomba is with us for a couple of nights whilst his family move from Leicester to Milton Keynes - we're located about mid way so we are a convenient place for fellow Lappy Zomba to stay.

Introducing a 6th dog into the pack was an interesting experience; Fat Sal was blase - well she is a labrador, however Ismo and Keksi were not impressed.  Perhaps having spent the past week with us they were upset that another Lappy  might upset the dynamics - however after keeping a close eye on everyone they soon integrated and behaved themselves.

Sally left us about 10.00 and after her departure there was space for the 5 Lappies to relax.

Those of you who are on facebook may well have seen these pictures already - I will post some others later.  The image below, however, is one that had to be posted again - Mylo who liked the expensive bed that we bought him so much that he tore it up has a habit of claiming the beds that our guests dogs bring for himself - I don't know if he spent all night in it but he was there when we came down this morning.

We have just returned from our 1st walk of the day - 5 happy Lappies - exercised, fed and now chilling, well apart from Zomba and Keksi who seem to have become an item.

Lappy days