So, they were dropped off at Catesby (thats Catesby, NOT Cats By) en route to Chaventry, at Lou's office - not just any old office however but a converted stable block down a 1/2 mile drive in the middle of the countryside with sheep and long horn cattle in the surrounding fields. Oh yes and a couple of dogs; Dusty, a working cocky spaniel and Millie, a Jack Russel - a dog that makes Zinty look huge.
I was only gone 40 minutes or so, the dogs spending their time with Lou - Smuu was delighted to see me and they hopped into the Jeep for the trip home.
Kiva and Mylo were delighted to see them again and they all soon settled down for the afternoon and as I write Sisko is with us in the lounge - Smuu, next to her.

Having now spent time with Smuu and Sisko, as well as some of Kiva's siblings, it amazes me to see their common traits, and differences.
- Sisko, when excited, shuffles her front paws in the same way as her dad, Tuukka.
- Sisko and Kiva are almost impossible to tell apart from the rear end.
- Sisko and Kiva both lift their paw when being stroked.
- Sisko, Kiva and Smuu all love their tummies to be tickled.
- Sisko and Zack (Kiva's brother) both share a look that they give, a sort of "OK what are we going to do now?"
- Sisko and Zack have the same nose.
- Sisko, Smuu and Kiva all belch
- Kiva and Smuu both drool at the prospect of treats.
Now if I could only get Sisko to show Mylo how NOT to bark I would indeed be in Lappy heaven.
Lappy days
Memo to self; make sure you hoover the lounge floor, scrub the kitchen floor and wash Mylo's chair before taking cute dog pictures.
I can't wait to see them. I have SO enjoyed reading their blog. Being able to see how happy they look and to read about what they are up to has made the separation so much easier! Thank you for loving them in my absence:) Liz
I can't wait to see them. I have SO enjoyed reading their blog. Being able to see how happy they look and to read about what they are up to has made the separation so much easier! Thank you for loving them in my absence:) Liz
I can't wait to see them. I have SO enjoyed reading their blog. Being able to see how happy they look and to read about what they are up to has made the separation so much easier! Thank you for loving them in my absence:) Liz
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