Obi's final day with us at Dogs to Stay was also a special day for him and us as it was his 5th birthday; there was no need for us to get him a present as surely the best gift he could have would be seeing his hufamily again.
Obi met up with his owners mid-afternoon within 30 minutes or so of them landing at the airport after their week long holiday - it was fortunate that dropping Obi off coincided with my grandson's 1st birthday party, just a few miles from our rendezvous with Obi's hufamily. It was lovely to see the joy on their faces when they first saw Obi - it has been a true pleasure having him stay with us and I am so glad that they asked us at Dogs to Stay to have him visit.
Hopefully Obi will return soon - 'till then, take care Obi we hope to see you soon.
Lappy days
Saturday, 30 May 2009
Thursday, 28 May 2009
Obi the Klingon and his invisible poo
Chilled is not an adequate description of how the dogs have been today - I think they are still recovering from their awayday.
I almost had to drag them out for their main walk today however once we were out and about they soon got into their stride - normally in 3 different directions. Obi decided to enjoy the peace and tranquility of the village churchyard to do the necessary and when I, being a responsible dog owner, went to clean up after him was somewhat concerned about his invisible poo. As he walked ahead I realised that he was suffering with the male Lappy problem caused by the length of their coat at their rear - Obi would need a wash when we got home.
The walk was lovely, yesterday's rain had made the grass lush and the 3 of them enjoyed themselves running through the meadow.
On our return home Obi allowed himself to be washed - I wish Mylo could be so accommodating when he suffers with the same problem - and then lay down with his rear legs spread apart behind him so the sun could dry him off.
Earlier this evening Obi helped himself to one of the many bones in the dogs toy box and has spent the past couple of hours gnawing away on it with Mylo watching enviously - I think Obi might be taking that bone home with him on Saturday.
Lappy days
I almost had to drag them out for their main walk today however once we were out and about they soon got into their stride - normally in 3 different directions. Obi decided to enjoy the peace and tranquility of the village churchyard to do the necessary and when I, being a responsible dog owner, went to clean up after him was somewhat concerned about his invisible poo. As he walked ahead I realised that he was suffering with the male Lappy problem caused by the length of their coat at their rear - Obi would need a wash when we got home.
The walk was lovely, yesterday's rain had made the grass lush and the 3 of them enjoyed themselves running through the meadow.
On our return home Obi allowed himself to be washed - I wish Mylo could be so accommodating when he suffers with the same problem - and then lay down with his rear legs spread apart behind him so the sun could dry him off.
Earlier this evening Obi helped himself to one of the many bones in the dogs toy box and has spent the past couple of hours gnawing away on it with Mylo watching enviously - I think Obi might be taking that bone home with him on Saturday.
Lappy days
Wednesday, 27 May 2009
Obi's Away Day (s)
We don't show Kiva and Mylo that often however we had entered a show in Guildford before knowing that Obi was coming to stay. We had also arranged to spend the day before the show with Kiva's breeder giving us an opportunity to see their new home and have a mini reunion with some of Kiva's litter mates. We had 3 options open to us when we knew that Obi was going to be with us; 1 - to not go to the show, 2 - to go to the show without Obi and have him cared for by out neighbour or 3 - to take Obi with us. A bit of a no brainer really.
The 3 dogs were walked on Tuesday morning prior to our planned midday departure for the 2 hour journey south. We had been forewarned that Obi was not a great traveller but hoped that him sharing the journey with Kiva and Mylo might show him that car journeys could be fun - I was somewhat surprised therefore that Obi jumped into the back of the jeep without any encouragement - Kiva and Mylo had to be lifted in as per normal. The journey was stress free for us all and we arrived safely. Opening the back of the Jeep and the dog guard saw Obi jump out with a spring in his step with no signs of travel sickness at all. Before long he, Kiva and Mylo were exploring their new surroundings - quiet a lengthy process when they had several acres to explore.
Obi was then introduced to the menagerie that is Tabanyaruu - 3 Finnish Lapphunds; Kiva's mum, grannie and grandad and Zinty a wonderful (sic) German Spitz Klein - before we set off into the 5 acre wood that was all part of the home we were staying in that night. Totally secure and dog friendly this wood is an absolute heaven for dogs to explore - though out of sight much of the time we could relax knowing that the dogs could run free and be safe.
Obi next met Zack, Kiva's brother and a regular guest at Dogs to Stay, prior to us setting off to Bourn Woods for mass Lappy (and GSD) walk being joined by Impi (Kiva and Zack's sister) - so that's 8 Lappies and a GSD, sorry GSK that thinks she's a GSD but wants to be a Lappy - quite a sight to the other walkers in fabulous surroundings. 90 minutes later we returned to our home for the evening for a barbecue - all great fun, well apart from a couple of minor dust ups between some of the males - Mylo can be a little overprotective of his pack at times ;-).
The dogs were eventually settled down for the night, Kiva, Obi and Mylo in the kitchen with Sisko (Kiva's mum), Smuu (her grannie), Tuukka (her grandad) and Zinty in the dogs' own room. Zinty being Zinty meant that I was awoken early by her - 5.15am is early for me, so I decided to get up and watch the dogs play in the garden for the next few hours as the rest of the household slept in.
Breakfast was served and then Obi was introduced to Delphi - remember the previous post saying Obi doesn't do cats?

Well he does now.
The 3 dogs were walked on Tuesday morning prior to our planned midday departure for the 2 hour journey south. We had been forewarned that Obi was not a great traveller but hoped that him sharing the journey with Kiva and Mylo might show him that car journeys could be fun - I was somewhat surprised therefore that Obi jumped into the back of the jeep without any encouragement - Kiva and Mylo had to be lifted in as per normal. The journey was stress free for us all and we arrived safely. Opening the back of the Jeep and the dog guard saw Obi jump out with a spring in his step with no signs of travel sickness at all. Before long he, Kiva and Mylo were exploring their new surroundings - quiet a lengthy process when they had several acres to explore.
Obi was then introduced to the menagerie that is Tabanyaruu - 3 Finnish Lapphunds; Kiva's mum, grannie and grandad and Zinty a wonderful (sic) German Spitz Klein - before we set off into the 5 acre wood that was all part of the home we were staying in that night. Totally secure and dog friendly this wood is an absolute heaven for dogs to explore - though out of sight much of the time we could relax knowing that the dogs could run free and be safe.
Obi next met Zack, Kiva's brother and a regular guest at Dogs to Stay, prior to us setting off to Bourn Woods for mass Lappy (and GSD) walk being joined by Impi (Kiva and Zack's sister) - so that's 8 Lappies and a GSD, sorry GSK that thinks she's a GSD but wants to be a Lappy - quite a sight to the other walkers in fabulous surroundings. 90 minutes later we returned to our home for the evening for a barbecue - all great fun, well apart from a couple of minor dust ups between some of the males - Mylo can be a little overprotective of his pack at times ;-).

Breakfast was served and then Obi was introduced to Delphi - remember the previous post saying Obi doesn't do cats?

Having dealt with breakfast and the cat it was time to set off to Guildford for the dogs show - a new experience for Obi as he doesn't, sorry didn't do shows.
Unfortunately the day was somewhat wet and though it was good to see fellow Lapphund owners and catching up on their latest news, it was pretty miserable and cold. However Kiva got herself a couple of nice rosettes, a 2nd and a 4th and Obi got lots of compliments from wannabe owners, fellow Lappy owners and, perhaps more importantly, a number of Lapphund breeders - what about Mylo I hear you ask - well Mylo was Mylo, somewhat vocal and not at all into being shown :-(
The journey home was uneventful with Obi once again dispelling the myth that he doesn't do travelling and he is now once again asleep next to my desk.
All in all a couple of very enjoyable days for us and the dogs.
It's all Lappy days at Dogs to Stay.
Unfortunately the day was somewhat wet and though it was good to see fellow Lapphund owners and catching up on their latest news, it was pretty miserable and cold. However Kiva got herself a couple of nice rosettes, a 2nd and a 4th and Obi got lots of compliments from wannabe owners, fellow Lappy owners and, perhaps more importantly, a number of Lapphund breeders - what about Mylo I hear you ask - well Mylo was Mylo, somewhat vocal and not at all into being shown :-(
The journey home was uneventful with Obi once again dispelling the myth that he doesn't do travelling and he is now once again asleep next to my desk.
All in all a couple of very enjoyable days for us and the dogs.
It's all Lappy days at Dogs to Stay.
Monday, 25 May 2009
Obi Doesn't Do Cats ....

Other than when the dogs went out for their walk most of the day was spent with them playing in the garden - Kiva chases Obi, Kiva catches Obi, Obi chases Kiva, Obi catches Kiva - Mylo joins in to protect her.

Saturday, 23 May 2009
A postcard from Dogs to Stay

All is good here, in fact other than missing you it is rather fun. Kiva is great fun and she lets me play with her whenever I want to - Mylo just looks on making sure she is OK and comes to her rescue whenever I get a bit, ahem, fruity.
I went for a lovely walk yesterday, discovered lots of interesting smells and left my mark on lots of bushes, trees and poles. On the way out I was on my own lead until we got to a big field where I could run free - on the way home I walked next to Kiva on a brace.
In the evening I had my dinner alongside Kiva and Mylo - a question; how come their food smells nicer than mine?

It was great having some company at night and though I had the chance to sleep outside decided to stay inside with Kiva and Mylo.
We had a great walk today, through the village and across lots of fields - Kiva and I spent most of the time chasing each other, Mylo just went off exploring.
When I am not outside playing with Kiva I spend most of my time lying next to Simon when he is at his desk.

Lappy days
Sunday, 17 May 2009
Time to Say Goodbye to Kuje

Spending time with Kiva and Mylo seems to have benefited him no end - he has even picked up some of their endearing (sic) habits.
When coming downstairs each morning Kiva and Mylo stand up against the dog gate to the kitchen patiently awaiting their morning greeting - Kuje's first few morning saw him hanging back, head on one side, whilst I greeted Kiva and Mylo - this morning saw 3 happy Lappy faces at the gate as Kuje joined in for the morning ritual.

As I write we have just returned from a walk across the fields - 3 other dogs met en route, all of whom were additional fun for Kuje who, as I write, is asleep under my desk again.
As Kuje was so relaxed I even managed to take his harness of him - he approved as he then enjoyed a head to toe shake and luxurious stretch.
Saturday evening saw Kuje discover the toy box and he spent much of the evening enjoying one of Kiva and Mylo's well chewed cow's hoofs - well that and sharing the sofas - this time with me (and Kiva).

So, how has Kuje changed during his stay? His confidence levels have risen, he is more assertive, he is happy to lie on his back and be stroked on his stomach, his tail is up and wagging, he goes on to his hind legs to reach up to touch me, he is happy to play with Kiva and Mylo when they want to and is even inclinded to start a game of chase with Kiva, he is happy to have his harness taken off and put back on.
Kuje will be going home later today - would I keep him if offered? You bet - he is a truly wonderful dog, sensitive and inquisitive and without a bad bone in his body. I think he will be missed.

Saturday, 16 May 2009
Coming Our Of A Shell
When plans were made for Kuje's stay I was determined to achieve one thing, namely to ensure that he was able to relax with us as a member of the pack. 48 hours after his arrival we now have a dog that follows me almost everywhere, settles on the sofa next to Lou, interacts perfectly with Kiva and Mylo (as they do with him), eats his meals (given 1/2 the chance he would probably eat Kiva's and Mylo' s too), enjoys his walks (complete with correct tail posture), accepts the cats (as they do he), readily accepts treats from Lou and I and even lets us give him the occasional stroke. Is he happy? I would like to think so :-)
As previously posted Kuje normally sleeps with his hufamily - something he seemed more than content to do here for his first 2 nights. Last night was somewhat different though as, about 15 minutes after we had retired for the night, some incredible noises were heard from downstairs - they weren't alarming in any way but were enough to make me come downstairs to check on the dogs.
Opening the door to the lounge resulted in Kiva and Kuje greeting me, well they were fine - that left Mylo. He wasn't in the lounge nor the kitchen so I checked the dog run - yup, there he was snuggled into his kennel with his tail wagging. No need for any major concerns then. Before returning to bed I thought I would spend a few minutes with Kiva and Kuje (Mylo choosing to stay in his kennel) - For the next 10 minutes Kiva and Kuje played together like puppies, taking it in turns to chase each other around the lounge like mad things - no noise other than the sound of happy lappies playing. There were times when Kuje even came up to hide behind me and allow me to stoke and pet him - he certainly has made himself at home.
The pictures below show Kuje under my desk, this time with Mylo lying chilled beside it - a champagne moment indeed.

As previously posted Kuje normally sleeps with his hufamily - something he seemed more than content to do here for his first 2 nights. Last night was somewhat different though as, about 15 minutes after we had retired for the night, some incredible noises were heard from downstairs - they weren't alarming in any way but were enough to make me come downstairs to check on the dogs.
Opening the door to the lounge resulted in Kiva and Kuje greeting me, well they were fine - that left Mylo. He wasn't in the lounge nor the kitchen so I checked the dog run - yup, there he was snuggled into his kennel with his tail wagging. No need for any major concerns then. Before returning to bed I thought I would spend a few minutes with Kiva and Kuje (Mylo choosing to stay in his kennel) - For the next 10 minutes Kiva and Kuje played together like puppies, taking it in turns to chase each other around the lounge like mad things - no noise other than the sound of happy lappies playing. There were times when Kuje even came up to hide behind me and allow me to stoke and pet him - he certainly has made himself at home.
The pictures below show Kuje under my desk, this time with Mylo lying chilled beside it - a champagne moment indeed.

Friday, 15 May 2009
Trick or no treat
Trick (or prank) is the literal translation of Kuje - the no treat in the title refers to Kuje's reluctance to take a treat from my hand, well that is until he got more used to me.
Yesterday saw us go out on a couple of walks, sadly on-lead as new surroundings might not be ideal for a dog that managed to get lost for 3 or 4 days. However both walks were very pleasurable and, so it seemed to Kuje, quite interesting. He certainly isn't spooked by other dogs having had the opportunity to meet the boisterous Tinkerbell (JR) and Masie the brown lab that live around the corner.
The difficulty with walking 3 dogs is in trying to determine which combination to have on the brace - simples - on the outward walk Mylo and Kiva and on the homeward walk Kuje and Kiva with Mylo lagging behind.
Seeing Kuje next to Mylo brings home their physical differences, putting Mylo's weight to one side Kuje is far smaller than Mylo - though he does have HUGE paws. Kiva and Kuje next to each other allows one to see the difference in colour, Kiva, a black tri is really BLACK, Kuje in comparison is almost auburn and his coat glows in the sun.
Kuje is still reluctant to be stroked unless he is under my desk or on the sofa next to Louise and Kiva though I am tempted to re-name him Shadow as wherever I go he goes :-).
I have no idea where the 3 of them spend the night however I am inclined to think that it is in the lounge as this morning when I came downstairs there was no sign of them in the kitchen, well until 3 heads poked round the lounge/kitchen door - a new day had begun - I wonder what it holds in store.
Lappy days
Yesterday saw us go out on a couple of walks, sadly on-lead as new surroundings might not be ideal for a dog that managed to get lost for 3 or 4 days. However both walks were very pleasurable and, so it seemed to Kuje, quite interesting. He certainly isn't spooked by other dogs having had the opportunity to meet the boisterous Tinkerbell (JR) and Masie the brown lab that live around the corner.
The difficulty with walking 3 dogs is in trying to determine which combination to have on the brace - simples - on the outward walk Mylo and Kiva and on the homeward walk Kuje and Kiva with Mylo lagging behind.
Seeing Kuje next to Mylo brings home their physical differences, putting Mylo's weight to one side Kuje is far smaller than Mylo - though he does have HUGE paws. Kiva and Kuje next to each other allows one to see the difference in colour, Kiva, a black tri is really BLACK, Kuje in comparison is almost auburn and his coat glows in the sun.
Kuje is still reluctant to be stroked unless he is under my desk or on the sofa next to Louise and Kiva though I am tempted to re-name him Shadow as wherever I go he goes :-).
I have no idea where the 3 of them spend the night however I am inclined to think that it is in the lounge as this morning when I came downstairs there was no sign of them in the kitchen, well until 3 heads poked round the lounge/kitchen door - a new day had begun - I wonder what it holds in store.
Lappy days
Thursday, 14 May 2009
Kuje Comes to Stay

Kuje is a nervous little dog - wary of strangers and unsure of new surroundings. He, and his hufamily, have been on a couple of our monthly mass Lappy walks and it was evident that Kuje was coming out of his shell and relishing the opportunity to run free with other Lappies.
I was flattered to be asked by Mari if we could look after Kuje for a few days whilst they were on holiday and their normal dog minder was also away. I just hoped that I could make Kuje comfortable.
As I write he is at my feet under my desk - he arrived yesterday evening and soon settled in, he seems quite taken with Kiva, choosing to spend the evening either on, or next to, the sofa with her. Kuje normally sleeps in the same room as his hufamily and though we were more than happy to have him upstairs he decided he wanted to stay in the kitchen with Kiva and Mylo.
All was quiet through the night, as he is used to an early start each day he did wake us with the quietest of whines - nature was calling and a new day had begun.
Meal times at Dogs to Stay are exactly that - meals are served and dogs are expected to eat them .....

Lappy days indeed
Lappies do Agility
When we first met Mylo's breeder back in 2006 I said that I would much prefer to do agility or training with him than show him. Ironically I did end up taking him into the ring a few times, though he hated every minute of it, however the thought of doing agility training still appealed.
The opportunity arose (thank you Milly) to take him and Kiva to a beginners agility class in a nearby village. I was convinced that Kiva would love it as, last year at an agility display, she seemed to be fascinated by it. Off we went on Tuesday for our first taste of, our neighbour Jean accompanied me so that I would have someone to look after one of the dogs whilst I went round the course with the other.
Bizarrely it was Mylo who enjoyed the experience more - Kiva was reluctant to jump the hurdlers (far easier for her to go under them) and hated the dog run, as did her brother Kanto who was also there. Perhaps Kiva's future lies in the show ring or being a mum.
Mylo took to agility like a duck to water - the dog run was completed (though Milly did comment that it seemed to bow in the middle when he was on it) - the hurdles were cleared and the tunnel eventually mastered. The one hiccup was Mylo's wish to try the A frame and seesaw, not a problem for him but we were told off by the instructor as "those are for more experienced dogs" - oh well, perhaps he can do those next week.
If Mylo continues to lose the weight at the rate that he is and also continues with agility I am sure that he will soon be down to the correct weight - as I always say "if you want to lose weight - eat less and exercise more".
Hopefully I will get some pictures at next weeks session.
The opportunity arose (thank you Milly) to take him and Kiva to a beginners agility class in a nearby village. I was convinced that Kiva would love it as, last year at an agility display, she seemed to be fascinated by it. Off we went on Tuesday for our first taste of, our neighbour Jean accompanied me so that I would have someone to look after one of the dogs whilst I went round the course with the other.
Bizarrely it was Mylo who enjoyed the experience more - Kiva was reluctant to jump the hurdlers (far easier for her to go under them) and hated the dog run, as did her brother Kanto who was also there. Perhaps Kiva's future lies in the show ring or being a mum.
Mylo took to agility like a duck to water - the dog run was completed (though Milly did comment that it seemed to bow in the middle when he was on it) - the hurdles were cleared and the tunnel eventually mastered. The one hiccup was Mylo's wish to try the A frame and seesaw, not a problem for him but we were told off by the instructor as "those are for more experienced dogs" - oh well, perhaps he can do those next week.
If Mylo continues to lose the weight at the rate that he is and also continues with agility I am sure that he will soon be down to the correct weight - as I always say "if you want to lose weight - eat less and exercise more".
Hopefully I will get some pictures at next weeks session.
Catch Up
I just realised that it has been almost 4 weeks since our blog was updated and having just read a few blogs of some of our fellow Lappy owners I thought I better update ours. Since Taavi left us it has just been Kiva and Mylo here - not that it has been uneventful as the past few weeks has seen Mylo go on a diet. At 25 kgs he was, most definately, overweight - 25% overweight in fact - and despite our efforts we had only been able to shift 600 grams in 12 weeks. So a couple of weeks ago I took him to the vets to see if they could help - 14 days later I am delighted to say that Mylo has lost another 840 grams bringing him down to just under 23.5 kgs, still a way to go but very encouraging all the same.
The past weekend saw a couple of 4 legged guests, Sisko (Kiva's mum) and Peppi (Kiva's sister) who were with us overnight having been taken to a show in Stafford. An unexpected surprise was the arrival of Kanto (Kiva and Peppi's brother) who popped in to say hello with his huparents Neil and Milly.

Liz, their owner and Kiva's breeder, was also with us meaning an enjoyable evening round the kitchen table sharing doggy related anecdotes and discussing suitable mates for Kiva.
This was Peppi's first stay with us and she soon settled in, made herself at home and discovered the joys of Mylo's and Kiva's toy box and bone stash.

A late night meant for a late start to Sunday - the dogs were fed and then it was off for a walk across the fields - 4 Lappies running free is a sight to behold and with Kiva and Peppi busy exploring Mylo and Sisko kept us company.
Sadly Peppi and Sisko's visit came to an end leaving Kiva and Mylo wondering what would be happening next.
The past weekend saw a couple of 4 legged guests, Sisko (Kiva's mum) and Peppi (Kiva's sister) who were with us overnight having been taken to a show in Stafford. An unexpected surprise was the arrival of Kanto (Kiva and Peppi's brother) who popped in to say hello with his huparents Neil and Milly.

This was Peppi's first stay with us and she soon settled in, made herself at home and discovered the joys of Mylo's and Kiva's toy box and bone stash.

Sadly Peppi and Sisko's visit came to an end leaving Kiva and Mylo wondering what would be happening next.
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