Spending time with Kiva and Mylo seems to have benefited him no end - he has even picked up some of their endearing (sic) habits.
When coming downstairs each morning Kiva and Mylo stand up against the dog gate to the kitchen patiently awaiting their morning greeting - Kuje's first few morning saw him hanging back, head on one side, whilst I greeted Kiva and Mylo - this morning saw 3 happy Lappy faces at the gate as Kuje joined in for the morning ritual.

As I write we have just returned from a walk across the fields - 3 other dogs met en route, all of whom were additional fun for Kuje who, as I write, is asleep under my desk again.
As Kuje was so relaxed I even managed to take his harness of him - he approved as he then enjoyed a head to toe shake and luxurious stretch.
Saturday evening saw Kuje discover the toy box and he spent much of the evening enjoying one of Kiva and Mylo's well chewed cow's hoofs - well that and sharing the sofas - this time with me (and Kiva).

So, how has Kuje changed during his stay? His confidence levels have risen, he is more assertive, he is happy to lie on his back and be stroked on his stomach, his tail is up and wagging, he goes on to his hind legs to reach up to touch me, he is happy to play with Kiva and Mylo when they want to and is even inclinded to start a game of chase with Kiva, he is happy to have his harness taken off and put back on.
Kuje will be going home later today - would I keep him if offered? You bet - he is a truly wonderful dog, sensitive and inquisitive and without a bad bone in his body. I think he will be missed.

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