Obi seems to have lost his front paws
Kiva enjoying a rest
After eating Mylo and Miia enjoyed a post dinner bone.
The evening was relaxed, Miia alternating between sitting on the floor, on the sofa, in the kitchen or playing in the garden - the 3 dogs really do get on well.
Time came for us to put them down for the night - no problems there .... well for 30 minutes or so when Miia started to make herself heard, a subtle bark or 2 causing me to come back downstairs to check on them - Miia appeared to be annoyed that Kiva and Mylo wouldn't allow her to join them in the kennel. Settled down again it was back upstairs for me - well for 10 minutes or so before Miia started to howl - by howl I mean HOWLLLLLLL - mmm, what to do?
Perhaps she would be better upstairs with us - well that worked well as I was next awoken at 7.30am by Miia rolling over and falling off the bed - bless, a new day at Dogs to Stay has begun.
Lappy days
We were awoken at 5.00 this morning - not sure by whom, but a new day had begun for the dogs so up we all got. Today may well be a little tricky as Smilla has most definitely come into season - I have yet to work out how best to keep her and Zack apart but I am sure that things will pan out well.
Lappy days