Monday, 27 July 2009

Happy Mondays

Since Obi and Kukko's arrivals we have enjoyed a couple of decent nights with all of the dogs sleeping through to a decent hour - I just wish I knew where they all slept, well apart from Miia who enjoys sharing our bed.

Our Sunday routine was pretty much as normal - the morning beginning with feeding the pack - a true joy to watch them all tuck in - I must try to get a picture of the 5 of them eating. The dogs enjoyed a couple of long walks across the fields - all remarkably well behaved and coming back when called, well apart from Mylo, no change there.

Obi is his normal chilled self with just the occasional humping episode, hey anything is forgiven of him when he sits on his haunches for a chest tickle. Kukko is the boisterous one, always ready to play with Miia, to bark for a bone that one of the other dogs is enjoying (and in doing so ignoring the other dozen or so bones scattered around the garden). Miia is incredibly tolerant of the attentions of Obi and Kukko though to tell the truth I think she kind of enjoys it. Kiva joins in the fun but quite often disappears under her favourite bush for some peace and quiet whilst Mylo just gets on with things.
Sunday being Sunday a traditional roast would be prepared - the dogs certainly enjoyed helping me with the carrots with them all making the most of the scraps being thrown to them and, with the cooking smells in the kitchen, it was difficult to get them out of it whilst the meat roasted. Dinner was served - though the dogs were fed their normal fare rather than a Sunday roast, we really should have got a bigger joint!
All was peaceful during the evening, at one time I had Mylo and Obi as a pair of slippers and Kiva, Kukko & Miia sharing the sofa with me ....
Lappy days indeed

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