Thursday, 4 March 2010

Elliot Comes to Stay

Dogs to Stay was recommended to Elliot's owners by Jill and Phil, Fat Sal's (one of our regular guests) owners and as a result nine year old Elliot arrived this morning and soon made himself at home.

Watching how new arrivals affect the dynamics of the pack is always an interesting spectacle and one would have thought that Elliot would have decided to assert himself as top dog. However it has been Kiva who has been calling the tune with Elliot more than happy to follow her round with his tail wagging.

He has just had his tea (and it did include his meds btw) after enjoying his second walk around the village. His first saw us meet up with Phil and Fat Sal - 2 labs and 2 lappies walking across the fields in glorious sunshine - lappy days indeed.

First impressions of Elliot - he slobbers, a lot - he wags his tail, a lot, he gets on with the rest of the pack - he doesn't bolt his food - he drinks, a lot (probably to replace the slobber) - he has a lovely disposition and character.

Watch this space for more updates.

1 comment:

Frances Death-Lever said...

It must be the first time that he hasn't bolted his food in his life - he was probably full from all of the cat food he stole on the way in !!