Friday, 8 April 2011

Wolfie Joins Wheeto and Oreo

On Thursday Wolfie, a 1 year old Keeshond, came to join our other guests, Finnish Lapphunds Wheeto and Oreo.  We had already met Wolfie as a few weeks ago he and his family came for a visit to introduce Wolfie to own dogs Kiva and Mylo - the meeting went well and we were confident that he would fit in with the pack - the earlier than expected arrival of Wheeto and Oreo could have thrown a spanner in the works - as things transpired all of the pack have been getting on like a house on fire.

The dogs have been enjoying each other's company and wearing each other out with their non-stop playing (see above) - don't worry if you think you see a black spaniel - it is a black spaniel, Didier a Dogs to Stay doggy day care guest - and no the dogs haven't learnt to stop barking there is no sound to the video.

As a result of all of the fun and games we had an excellent night with Oreo waking an hour later than he had been - almost a lie in ;-)

Tomorrow we are off to Milton Keynes for a walk with other Lappy owning families -  I hope that Wolfie remembers to bark in Finnish rather than Dutch.

New photos and words to follow.

Lappy days.

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