Thursday 12 February 2009

Smilla returns

My last post made mention of the small amount of snow we had, well that changed pretty quickly and today, some 8 days later we still have 4 or 5 inches left from the heaviest snow I have seen for many a year. The dogs have loved it, as have the village children who enjoyed several days off school - though walking the dogs on what has now become sheet ice can only be described as "interesting". Today was no exception - though made somewhat harder with a third dog as Smilla is with us for a long weekend whilst her hufamily spend some time in Italy.

This is her 2nd visit, and she quiet obviously knew the score - though Kiva was, at first, somewhat miffed to see another bitch in the house - yup, at long last Kiva is experiencing her 2nd season (better late than never) so things are somewhat hormonal.

After the customary 10 minutes of angst when any guest dog arrives the 3 of them soon settled in, everyone knew their place in the pack and peace returned. Graham and Chris left once Smilla had settled and then it was out in the snow covered fields for a walk ...

As I write the dogs have been fed, well; Kiva and Mylo have - Smilla has decided to leave hers until a little later, they have had a couple of walks and spent much of the day playing in the garden.

Pictures will be added tomorrow (memo to self; charge the camera battery)

Lappy days

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