Friday 30 July 2010

Not the most exciting video and also not the most professionally filmed - it's a tricky job feeding 5 dogs with 5 different meals whilst filming it. Hey ho we got there in the end.

Monday 26 July 2010

Dogs to Stay Can Do Languages

привет вам в России and alo untuk Anda di Indonesia - life at Dogs to Stay is great, just look at these videos to prove it:
And then a little later in the evening the dogs chill out.

Friday 23 July 2010

And Now - A Different 5

Thanks to BT I had problems uploading yesterday's blog - by problems I really mean that we had no broadband, again.  So apologies for the lack of update, suffice to say all is well with the pack.

Today we were joined by Rosie, Mylo's 1/2 sister and a regular walker with Jaaka and Taavi - she is with us whilst her hupeeps holiday in Russia.


The video above was recorded earlier this afternoon and demonstrates just how well a pack of Lapphunds can get on.

Come back tomorrow for a further glimpse into the world of Dogs to Stay.

Wednesday 21 July 2010

And Now There Are Five

Well, 4 and a black lab - then again if you included Kiva's pups to be it would be 10 :-)

Fun and games at Dogs to Stay as Fat Sal's humum managed to lock herself out of the house meaning that Sal is with us a little early, not that it's an issue as the pack met up with Sal yesterday and enjoyed a romp in the fields with her.

Other than yesterday's walk with Sal, Taavi and Jaaka enjoyed an early evening walk before having their supper and chilling for the evening.  The night passed quietly, though one of the boys did start doing an impression of a wolf around 6.00, oh joy.  We know that it wasn't either Kiva or Mylo because they are enjoying the experience of spending their nights upstairs.

Breakfast was served earlier than normal however I don't think that Taavi or Jaaka minded at all as they both tucked into their kibble, nature diet and chicken (whoops, that was supposed to be a secret.)

As I write, post walk, Jaaka and Taavi are lying on the kitchen floor, Sal is to the left of my chair, Mylo to the right whilst Kiva is busy nesting under the ivy.

Lappy days.

Tuesday 20 July 2010

And Then There Were 4 (and 5 little grape sized ones)

Yesterday saw the arrival of Taavi and Jaaka - 2 males that live together in Hertfordshire that are staying with us for a couple of weeks whilst their hupeeps "do" Indonesia.  Well whoop de do hupeeps, you get to spend ages on a plane whilst the furkids have fun ;-).
The 4 have settled in superbly, Taavi is continuing his love affair with Kiva - we haven't told him that since their last meeting she has "met" another lappy - and he is contentedly licking her ear (amongst other bits) until she lets him know when enough is enough.

Despite our concerns that Jaaka might not sleep in his crate their first night passed well - Taavi (well we think it was he) did make a few "please pay attention to me" noises throughout the night but in the main I think we all slept well.  Hopefully today Taavi will understand that when is food bowl is put in front of him it means "eat your breakfast" rather than "go for an amble round the garden".
  Jaaka is gorgeous and does everything he can to get a loving stroke 
it works, could you refuse him? 

At the time of writing the dogs are all relaxed - I on the other hand am doing cartwheels (well metaphorically that is) as we have just had it confirmed that Kiva is pregnant with 5 puppies.

On Friday Mylo's 1/2 sister is coming to join us - 5 lappies should be enough for anyone however we are hoping that Kanto (Kiva's brother) might come and join us for a walk on Sunday.

Watch this space and as always, Lappy Days.

Tuesday 6 July 2010

Salivating Sal

When not busy devouring the odd bone or 3 Sal is more than happy giving herself a good wash.  We know that she does so even if we aren't in the same room as her as she does like to make a meal of it - a loud meal.  At least she's clean though ;-)

She enjoyed her romps across the fields yesterday - coming back as she does when called makes for better behaved Lapphunds.

We are slowly but surely running out of "indestructible" dog toys - a labs jaws seem to be able to gnaw their way through almost anything - balls seem to be the flavour of the day today.  No matter, Sal is happy, the weather's nice (cloudy but warm) and everyone is calm.

Lappy days.

Monday 5 July 2010

Oh Blogger!!

Things aren't what they have been at Dogs to Stay because yesterday we got a phone call from Sal's hufamily asking if she was OK as they hadn't seen a blog update.  I had written one on Friday and thought that I had uploaded it - obviously things went awry as upon checking it was no longer to be seen.

Suffice to say that all is well with Sal and she has once again made herself perfectly at home.

She has found almost every bone that Kiva and Mylo have accumulated over the years and is steadily munching her way through them (does she have a volume button?) and the lawn is scattered with them.

Walking the 3 of them can be a nightmare however Sal's behaviour is improving as we run the gauntlet - hey ho.

As I write I can hear the sound of birds singing in the garden - well I would be able to if Sal wasn't lying next to me devouring yet another bone.