Friday saw Mylo and Kiva do their bit at Discover Dogs (one of the halls at Crufts is set aside with individual booths allowing members of the public to see over 200 different breeds of dogs). We arrived at 11.00 and for the next 2 1/2 hours discussed the merits (and disadvantages) of Lappy ownership. Mylo did his best to show their less appealing side by being somewhat vocal - Kiva just sat there being quiet, cute and pretty. I was amazed at the number of interested visitors - such a shame that many will be disappointed as demand for this fabulous breed still exceeds supply.
The 2 dogs were petted and stroked continuously, happy to be shown attention to without complaint. Mylo's barking was, I discovered later, due to needing a toilet break - my fault entirely for not understanding him.On Saturday evening one of the most dedicated wannabe Lappy owning couples travelled up from Kent to stay the night prior to their visit to Crufts on the Sunday - Lappy day and the grand finale.
On Sunday Paula and Adam dropped off their 7 month bitch, Inko, ( for me to look after for the day when they too visited Crufts. Despite Mylo and Kiva both having qualified for Crufts we had made the decision not to show them as Mylo is a little overweight (and hates the show ring experience) and Kiva would be in season (the little madam actually ended her 2nd season 2 days before the start of Crufts).
My day with Inko was .... noisy, she is indeed a vocal little madam, bright as a button but oh so very fond of the sound of her own voice. Mylo tolerated her superbly, Kiva too, though she did seek solace occasionally on the other side of the dog flap that Inko was totally unable to work out how to use.
Paula and Adam, along with Louise for whom they kindly acted as taxi drivers, arrived home at 7.00 - just in time for a Sunday roast - the dogs had already eaten ...