Now Taavi isn't a dog that "does cats" - he and Sam (our black tom) most definately do not like each other (that will change I am sure) however the cat charging through the cat flap at 6.15 was enough to disturb the dogs again - an early start for me - no matter.
The three dogs most definately get on - Kiva is there for Taavi to follow everywhere, even to settle down together.

Kiva is totally tolerant of Taavi's attentions though does have a couple of hide holes to escape to when things get a bit too much.
Taavi and Mylo's relationship is a totally different matter. Though now neutered Mylo is still most definately a male, however his character is very gentle and as a result he is more than happy to tolerate Taavi wanting to play with him though when he hangs on to his tail Mylo soon reminds Taavi who is boss.
My concerns regarding Taavi eating have proven to be unfounded as he has decided that it is in his best interest to eat his meal when presented with it else Kiva or Mylo will gladly finish it off for him.

The only thing I feel a little guilty about is that I only have 2 arms - Taavi's hufamily is 5 strong so there are always spare hands to stroke him. With Louise away for the evening there were times when I struggled to give the dogs the attention they seemed to want - with Kiva on the sofa next to me and Mylo at my feet Taavi was unsure where his rightful place was. Of course there was a simple solution - if I sat in the middle of the sofa I could have Kiva on one side of me and Taavi on the other - sorted.
The dogs obviously decided to sleep in, a damn shame that the cats didn't as it was they who woke me at 6.00 chasing round the bedroom like a couple of maniacs. The dogs didn't make a sound 'till 8.15 - nothing like dogs that know the difference between a weekday and a weekend - bless them.
With breakfast served a new day has begun at Dogs to Stay, come back tomorrow to read the next installment of Taavi's stay.
Lappy days.
1 comment:
This is Mike, Alison, Sophie, Hannah & Phoebe in the middle of the Amazon rainforest in Peru!! It is fantastic to see pictures of Taavi looking so happy with Mylo and Kiva. Simon you are a star!! thank you for taking such good care of him!!
Today we have hiked through THICK mud to a lake where we saw macaw, kingfisher, parrots and lots of monkeys. Fantastic!!
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