Thursday, 26 March 2009

Taavi returns

Taavi, another Finnish Lapphund, had an overnight stay with us earlier in the year - it was essentially to ensure that he got on well with Kiva and Mylo, our 2 resident Lappies. Suffice to say - he's back - but this time for 3 weeks whilst his hufamily are travelling halfway round the world to trace Darwin's footsteps.

He arrived yesterday morning and, as usual when guest dogs first arrive, we went for a walk across the fields. Taavi is a well trained dog and, for a Lapphund, a shining light. As a result the 3 dogs enjoyed off lead runs for the best part of an hour - the intention being to tire them out when they got back to Dogs to Stay. It worked.

Yesterday was, in all honesty, a pretty easy day with them - once the heirarchy had been established calmness prevailed. However the "establishing the heirarchy" was a little fraught at times as Mylo took great exception with Taavi paying so much attention to Kiva - if I didn't know better I would say that Taavi had a crush on Kiva ;-).

A second walk later that afternoon meant for a relaxed evening however Taavi was reluctant to eat his evening meal ("yum, yum" said Mylo - more for me" - yeah right, as if FB) - Unlike our 2 dogs Taavi is a cruiser - being an only dog he is normally able to graze - something he will have to learn is NOT an option at Dogs to Stay.

The dogs were settled down for the night - all quiet until 7.00 when the sound of them playing brought me downstairs. A new day had begun.

Lappy days

Mike and family - if you are able to read this from the other side of the world I trust your journey was a good one and, don't worry about your boy - he is as happy as a lappy could be.

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