Sofa So Good
Taavi has most definately made himself at home and seems more than comfortable - I'm not sure if he is allowed on the furniture at home but he certainly likes our sofas. The picture below shows him, in my opinion, looking much like Max from 8 Below.
He seems to like nothing better than to snuggle up on the 3 seater watching Mylo and Kiva share the ball that he found on his afternoon walk yesterday. No ordinary walk this, but one through the village, passing by fields full of countless new born lambs that seemed to fascinate the 3 of them, en route to the sports field where they were able to run free, oh yes, and scavenge for prey and, in Taavi's case, the odd tennis ball or 2.
Much of yesterday evening was spent with any 2 dog combination of the 3 of them playing with the tennis ball and, when not sharing a ball he and Mylo were quite happy to share a well chewed cow's hoof. Just in case you are wondering the picture above is of Mylo and Kiva and yes, they are the same breed, Mylo is just a tad larger (is it me or does anyone else think he might make a nice fireside rug?).
Louise again decided to give Taavi a brush - after his last grooming I wouldn't have thought that there was much to come out - wrong; my the time Louise had finished we had a pile of fur the size of a football and Taavie looked stunning. Once done with his grooming he decided to join me on the 2 seater.

Just in case you're wondering, I do have other sweaters than the one I am wearing in the pictures above and those taken when Smuu and Sisko came to stay (check back through the post archive).
Lappy days.
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