Where Does The Time Go?
The weekend is always good at Dogs to Stay - with Louise here it makes dealing with 3 dogs so much easier, however this weekend the dogs seemed to be very chilled. Their routine is now so predictable; Every morning sees us greeted with love and excitement - after breakfast there is a mad 1/2 hour or so with them playing in the garden (thank heaven for the dry weather) then it is chill out time for them - each has there own favoured spot to sleep during the day - bizarrely nearly all of our guests choose the same one though Kiva and Taavi do seem fond of the top step to the garden.
Saturday is the day that Louise makes the trip to town to do the weekly shop - Tescos and a pet shop normally. Her return is always greeted enthusiastically by Mylo and Kiva as Saturday is Dentistick day. In an attempt to make anything that excites the dogs calmer mylo has been trained to pick out a toy/bone/cow's hoof from the toy box and to hold it in his mouth whilst Louise brings the shopping in - he normally accompanies this with some weird dog language to difficult to explain in mere words (memo to self - upload video of this to You Tube). Amazingly Taavi has also taken this practice up - so now we have the sound of 2 dogs trying to talk with their mouths full of something - Kiva of course just waits patiently. Once the Dentisticks are given out they scurry off to their respective favourite spots and chew on them.
We were due to meet up with Kanto (Kiva's brother) and his hufamily for a walk on Saturday afternoon, unfortunately this had to be cancelled so instead it was a walk across the fields with just our 3.
Saturday evening was another opportunity for Lou to groom Taavi (who seems to love this attention) and Mylo (who hates it) - as a result much of Sunday would be spent hoovering up the cream and white fur - why is it that when a brown tri or wolf sable dog is brushed that the only fur that comes out is cream?
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