Monday, 5 October 2009

Lappy Families

We had a bit of an house full this weekend with a total of 4 dogs visiting us: Our first arrival was Kiva's brother Kanto, a regular guest at Dogs to Stay and a guarantee that Kiva would have fun.
Next to join us was one of Mylo's 1/2 brothers, the rather gorgeous Oskar who was staying the day and night with his humum, Wendy.
Though the sky was blue and the sun shining Saturday was, to put it mildly, somewhat blustery however this didn't deter us for venturing out with the pack. What had been intended to be an hour's walk across the fields ended up being closer to 2 hours as someone (I hang my head in shame) managed to get us lost resulting in a detour around the local golf course - not that much of an issue until Oskar decided to run off and introduce himself to 3 Japanese golfers.

I'm not sure who was the most tired after the walk though it was the dogs who managed to enjoy an afternoon's nap - Wendy denied dozing off - though we know different.

As well as the pictures posted here a lot more can be seen here;

Sunday began early - Oskar does like to start the day with a walk, so he, along with the rest of the pack went out at 7.30 to enjoy a crisp morning and a walk across the fields - no golf course this time though they each managed to go off on their individual walkabouts - Lappies really aren't that bothered about recall :-(

Back home and it was time for breakfast - bacon sandwiches for us and normal doggy type stuff for the Lappies. Kanto was collected at about 10.30 in exchange for a nice Rioja - Oskar left not long afterwards leaving us an hour or so before our next guests were due.

Magic and Norppa were to be with us for the afternoon and evening whilst their owners, Andrie and Anne-Marie attended a wedding conveniently close to us. Magic had stayed with us before in February and we knew that she, Mylo and Kiva would get on perfectly - it was Norppa and how our 2 would interact with him that was the issue. Mylo and Norppa, though related, had had a couple of spats in the past - well who could blame them as they wanted to be top dog - though both of these had been little more than handbags.
The decision was made that upon their arrival we would walk all of the dogs around the village so as to get them used to each other and also to be able to bring them all into the garden at the same time. The walk in the autumn afternoon sunshine was uneventful - next; let's see how they all get on in our garden ......

Unfortunately things did not go according to plan - Kiva seemed to be able to sense the tension between Mylo and Norppa and it was she and Norppa who had a minor altercation. Andrie made the decision to bring Norppa's crate into the kitchen - Norppa would have somewhere he felt comfortable and the rest of the dogs could get on with the day, in fact Norppa probably spent little time there - it was only used whilst we had Sunday lunch. Norppa and Magic spent most of the day in the garden whilst Kiva and Mylo, probably still tired after their walks earlier in the day and yesterday slept in the lounge - as a result there were no further problems between any of the dogs. Magic managed to find every tennis ball we owned and would have been quite happy for me to have spent the whole day throwing them for her - memo to Magic; "You're a Lapphund NOT a Labrador - Lappies don't do fetch".

I walked Magic and Norppa around the village later in the afternoon - both of them seeming to enjoy the experience before returning home where they were all treated to a Dogs to Stay Sunday lunch - roast turkey and all the trimmings was enjoyed by them all - Magic finishing hers in the time it took Norppa to chew a carrot.

All change after eating saw Magic and Norppa join us in the lounge with Kiva and Mylo out in the garden - and this is how Andrie and Anne-Marie found them on their return. Hopefully the dogs had enjoyed their stay - I know that Norppa enjoyed the sofa :-)

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