Thursday, 29 October 2009

Let's Make That Four .....

Apart from him wandering around the house acting as though his throat has been cut all has been well with Kanto - boy does that Lappy like his food - maybe it's because he is spending so much time in the kitchen and watching me cook ;-)

Today saw the arrival of Magic who is with us again for a few days - as I write she is asleep at my feet and Kanto is sitting next to me on the sofa - across the room Mylo is at Louise's feet - Kiva on the sofa - all is good.

If the weather is fine tomorrow we will be setting off across the fields for a walk - if it's raining we will be setting off across the fields for a walk - nothing prevents our guests enjoying themselves at Dogs to Stay.

Lappy days


I have noticed an ever increasing of business trading under the name of Dogs to Stay - who was it that said "imitation is the sincerest form of flattery"?

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