Saturday, 6 March 2010

"You Can Keep the Caribbean" says Elliot

It's much better at Dogs to Stay.

The food's great - so great I take time to savour every mouthful ...

I eat at the same time as Kiva and Mylo - though they have to stand ...

The company is great - I like Kiva ....

In fact I like Kiva a lot ...

It's like a holiday here - really chilled ...

In fact it's a dog's life ...

Elliot seems to be enjoying himself, quickly becoming part of the pack. He enjoys his walks, normally 3 a day, one of which is with Fat Sal. He is eating well, still drinking loads, is quieter that the resident dogs and didn't make a sound this morning when the papers were delivered.

Any downsides? Well, his farts have a distinctive bouquet and our carpet is continually spattered with slobber - would we have him any other way? Not a chance. We kind of like having Elliot at Dogs to Stay.

1 comment:

Frances Death-Lever said...

Opps shouold have warned you about the slob (and the farts) - like you say it's all part of his character. Glad he's not missing us and in fact as you let him on the sofa he'll be sorry to leave.