Friday, 2 April 2010

How's Italy? It's Great Here :-)

All is well with Wheeto who has quickly settled in to become part of the pack. He slept through the night waking at 7.30 - went out to be busy and then began his new day playing with Kiva and Mylo.

Breakfast was served and enjoyed by all of them - does Wheeto have carrots? Well he does now and boy does he enjoy them.

All is quiet at the moment - 3 dogs sleeping after their first walk of the day. Wheeto met some of the local characters; black labs, a gaggle of terriers, a sheltie and a spaniel - totally unfazed and impeccably well behaved. Later we will be walking with the black lab Fat Sal (I must stop calling her that as she is now quite slim) and if things go according to plan we might just have to call in to the village pub, well it is Easter, the sun is shining and the sky is blue (knowing my luck as soon as I press "Publish Post" the weather will change).

Wheeto is very well behaved and the training his hufamily have carried out with him has been to good effect - now if only I could get Mylo to behave as well as our 5 month old guest I will be happy.

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