Monday, 5 April 2010

Now That's What I Call a Bank Holiday

No rain, good company, enjoyable walks and well behaved dogs.

Well, almost well behaved dogs as Wheeto decided to wake us at 7.00 - somewhat earlier than when Zack was with us - maybe he was bored and wanted someone to play with. Oh well at least it meant I could read the paper in peace whilst Louise enjoyed a lie in with a cup of tea and Sam who, thankfully, is still with us and was busy purring when I took her Louise's up.

As it was a nice morning, nice = no rain ;-) I decided to take the pack out for an early stroll round the village - I didn't see a soul - it was beautiful. At 10.00, Lou now being up, we took the dogs out to join in the village Fun Run - a 1.8 mile charity fun run between the 2 Priors villages - well it would have been 1.8 miles but we decided to walk there and back - we didn't win however we did walk further than most (well that's our excuse).

With the dogs well and truly chilled it has been a very relaxing day for all of us. Tomorrow Obi comes to join us for a week - Wheeto will be pleased because our new guest, like Zack, does enjoy his jiggy jiggy. Hopefully it will mean that we don't get woken to early again.

The pack have had their tea and Wheeto is currently chewing on Lou's slipper - she asked me to ask if this is normal procedure or does he normally wait 'till you have taken them off? ;-)

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