Sunday, 24 October 2010

Back From A Walk And The Pub

Find enough to do on a Sunday morning and it means that the dogs get walked a little later than normal - it also means that the walk home coincides with the pub opening.
Once again it was a sunny autumn Sunday and though it had remained yesterday it was still dry enough under foot to be able to take the dogs out across the fields - meaning that they got the opportunity to enjoy running free off-lead.  Taavi and Jaaka are both excellent with their recall so we felt confident allowing them to play - and play they did.
The walk home, with 4 tired dogs, took us past the stable and yard that is home to Tony the pony, actually Twinkle the Shetland pony but I have always liked the alliteration of the former.  Kiva and Mylo are well used to Twinkle ambling to get a carrot or mint imperial - Taavi is less than impressed and Jaaka looks up at Twinkle with an expression that suggests he is thinking "OK - same colour, same number of legs but it's bloody big".
Walking back through the churchyard meant a glance at the clock - 12.05, great the pub would be open but not too busy, time for a Guinness for me and a Smirnoff Ice for Lou.  Small problem, the pub was busy - busy pubs mean can mean waiting to be served and a complaining Mylo, not today however as, with me at the bar Lou was busy with the dogs and all of the admiring looks and compliments - about the dogs of course ;-)
Taavi and Jaaka were as chilled as always, Kiva as quiet as a mouse and even Mylo was pretty chilled, meaning that out time in the pub was an enjoyable one.
With the log fire now burning and Sunday dinner cooking the dogs are all perfectly relaxed - not that we would expect the pack to be any other.
Lappy days.

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