Saturday, 16 October 2010

Taavi and Jaaka Are Back

It was at the end of July when I last updated the blog - I do have my reasons, not least the fact that on August 16th Kiva gave birth to a litter of 5 puppies, the Magic Roundabout litter as we called it.  Sadly Dougal and Ermintrude faded away in the first week and are now running free at Rainbow Bridge.  Florence and Zebedee are now with their new forever homes whilst Dylan is with us until Tuesday.  The whole experience has been one of highs and lows and it is my intention to write an article about it and to provide a link to it from this blog.

As we were busy raising puppies we didn't have any guest dogs - Taavi and Jaaka, who arrived yesterday are therefore our first visitors since July and are with us for 2 weeks.

Today is Jaaka's 1st birthday and a while ago he shared some of his birthday chicken liver cake with Taavi as well as Kiva and Mylo, little Dylan had to have a slice too.

Earlier today they all enjoyed a hearty breakfast - yes even Taavi.

Yesterday and last night passed smoothly, Dylan (proper name TabanyaRuu Karuselli Miika) is totally unfazed by the bigger dogs and they are all considerate towards him.  We were woken at 8.00 by Dylan wanting his breakfast - a new day at Dogs to Stay had begun.

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