Up with the larks saw me walking the dogs at 8.00 whilst Lou did the weekly shop - and the benefits of early morning walks were soon evident with the sound of footsteps on the still frozen ground. Frozen ground = no mud, no mud = clean dogs - now that was an enjoyable walk :-)
Lunchtime saw us take the short trip to Ryton where many of our friends were attending a dog show - we hadn't entered but thought it would be nice to go and watch so with Kiva and Mylo left behind enjoying some peace and quiet Taavi and Jaaka were taken out for the afternoon.
It was nice seeing old friends, furry and human, again as well as making the acquaintance of some new lappies - Jaaka succeeded in doing what puppies do best - making friends and winning hearts - he, and taavi, were stars, impeccably well behaved and great ambassadors of the breed.
Back home it was a walk round the village with the pack of four before settling in for our last evening as a pack of 4 - tomorrow Jaaka and Taavi go home :-(
Saturday, 20 February 2010
Friday, 19 February 2010
When Snow Becomes Slush

We do like to make our guests feel at home and with Finnish Lapphunds happy with temperatures as low as -40 a little snow only serves to make them feel very much at home.
Snow might look nice however it all too sadly turns to slush and walking 4 lappies can be somewhat mucky - today was no exception and walking across the fields was probably not the best idea - the dogs might have loved it but I got cold, wet and muddy - hey ho, that's what it's all about isn't it :-)
Taavi and Jaaka will be leaving us on Sunday - they have been such easy dogs to care for that we will truly miss them - though I am sure that Kiva and Mylo will enjoy the break before our next guest arrives.
Each dog has its own little quirks and ways that have seen them endear themselves to us:
Taavi and Jaaka will be leaving us on Sunday - they have been such easy dogs to care for that we will truly miss them - though I am sure that Kiva and Mylo will enjoy the break before our next guest arrives.
Each dog has its own little quirks and ways that have seen them endear themselves to us:
- Taavi is such a delicate eater, chewing on each kibble before he has the next; if he were human I am sure that he would have a napkin clipped under his chin.
- Jaaka has a wonderful habit, when we are out walking, of sitting down as soon as we stop - all very admirable and a credit to his training - a bit of a nuisance when he doesn't bother to check what he's sitting in - there are times when he has looked more like a panda than a lappy.
- Taavi really doesn't like being the other side of a closed door - how do we know? Simples, the very faint whine that one can hear from behind the door whenever the dogs are banished from the lounge.
- To say that Taavi is discrete when it comes to doing his business would be an understatement - how he manages to squeeze his rear end into some of his favourite bushes is beyond me.
- Jaaka is unfazed by anything - he takes everything in his stride and every new experience is a new lesson to be learned.
- The way that Taavi picks up a toy and carries it round in his mouth when I first walk into the kitchen in the morning - something that we have encouraged Mylo to do since a puppy - it's quite hard to bark when your mouth is stuffed with a toy (apparently).
Thursday, 18 February 2010
Dog City
With about 100 properties in the village and around 500 souls it would be a fair bet that one would meet other dogs whilst out and about, today was no exception. On our walk today we met a new golden Labrador brood bitch for the Guide Dogs for the Blind, 2 more golden Labrador brood bitches (Guide Dogs for the Blind once again), a Munsterlander, a Shih tzu, a Springer Spaniel x Border Collie, 2 Clumber Spaniels and a brown Lab, a GSD and a Golden Retriever, another chocolate Labrador, 2 Jack Russels and finally a heavily pregnant black Labrador brood bitch (yup, more Guide Dogs on the way). I make that 15 other dogs - all of which were Jaaka's new best friends - he's a tad fickle ;-) - later today we will be joined by 2 more Lappies who are coming to play - we do like to keep out guests amused.
The pictures below were taken yesterday evening after a hard day's running and playing (the dogs that is, not me).

Lappy days
Wednesday, 17 February 2010
Status Update
All is well at Dogs to Stay apart from the snow that is falling but refusing to settle.
A short video of the pack playing after their breakfast - as I write they are all sleeping - just as well that they tired themselves out playing because the weather isn't condusive to walking :-( hopefully it will be tomorrow when Smilla (Taavi's sister) and Susi come to play - yay, 6 lappies :-0
- We have only used 1 roll of the kitchen roll provided - Jaaka has sussed out the benefits of the dog flap :-)
- Mr Picky Eater, aka Taavi, now eats his meals (well most of them) - perhaps hand feeding him helped :-)
- Our Dyson is still working - just, 4 lappies do tend to shed, especially when they are rough and tumbling.
- Taavi and Jaaka now understand that walking nicely when on a lead has its advantages
- Jaaka likes cats
- Taavi doesn't like the fact that Jaaka likes cats
- Taavi still doesn't like cats
A short video of the pack playing after their breakfast - as I write they are all sleeping - just as well that they tired themselves out playing because the weather isn't condusive to walking :-( hopefully it will be tomorrow when Smilla (Taavi's sister) and Susi come to play - yay, 6 lappies :-0
Tuesday - making a new friend.

Nothing to worry about - all is well, the dogs, and cats, are fine just a case of being a little busy yesterday evening and not having time to add the days blog.
I always seem to be lucky with the weather, well, when it comes to walking the dogs that is and even though the fields are still pretty wet underfoot there are still plenty of places to walk without the dogs getting too dirty - well, except for Jaaka that is. On my facebook page I recently posted; "contrary to popular belief cream dogs don't get any dirtier than any other colour - they just look dirtier" - Jaaka, bless him, managed to prove me wrong yesterday by, whenever we stopped walking, sitting down - all very admirable but when he chooses to sit down in; mud, horse poo, mud, puddles and clay it did make for a dirty little dog.
Post walk and somewhat grubby
Any way - our walk: We started off as four, Mylo and Jaaka on the brace, Kiva walking alongside Taavi - all is good. We encountered a neighbour en route, a local builder working on his house up the hill - I had seen him driving through the village but never walking - we soon discovered why he had left his pick up at home as walking alongside him was a puppy - well it would be rude to ignore him so we didn't. Holly, the German Short-haired Pointer was a gorgeous 10 week old puppy - full of confidence and totally unaffected by the attentions of the pack - and a great companion on our walk - Jaaka especially liked her as, for once, he had something smaller to play with.Having wandered round the village with the pack of 5 as we chewed the fat - its always nice to get updates on all of the local news and gossip ;-) I continued with the pack of 4 for an extension to the walk - I must have lost all track of time as, upon arrival home, I realised that we had been out for the best part of 2 hours. Excluded from the lounge the dogs just had access to the run and lounge - they soon dried off and before long even Jaaka was back to his normal colour.

The dogs seemed to have enjoyed their day - they were certainly chilled out last evening;

Mylo, who normally hates crates makes the most of Jaaka's
(notice the colour of the grout - now clean)
Monday, 15 February 2010
Probably the most boring video ever ....
The Dogs to Stay house dogs and guests enjoy their Sunday lunch.
Sunday, 14 February 2010
No Pictures - Just Facts
I love my dogs - Mylo will always be the most important canine in my life and Kiva will always be a close second, however today Taavi and Jaaka managed to push both of the house dogs into 3rd and 4th place.
Papers delivered at 9.00 - silence, cats through the cat flap at 9.10 (maybe the headlines were interesting) - up and dressed at 9.30 - walk across the fields and home by 11.15 (damn those church bells are loud - badly rang - and bloody loud) - 12.15 the discussion begins - do we go to the pub or not, and if so with which dogs.
Decision made and we take the short (125 7/8 yards) to the pub with the wonderful Jaaka and equally gorgeous Taavi - 2 hours later, after having won over numerous fans Lou convinces me to come home (Spurs 1-0 down btw) and swap Jaaka and Taavi over with Mylo and Kiva - it's a hard life; back to the pub ... whilst Lou prepares a Valentine's lunch with Taavi and Jaaka looking on.
So far we have managed to find new homes for 4 Lappy puppies - "I want one that look likes him (Mylo) - but is quiet like him (Taavi)" - "I want one like the pretty one (Kiva)" - "look at that the little cream one - how gorgeous - I want one like that". Taavi and Jaaka managed to win over a young (probably 2 year old) little girl who, prior to being introduced to lappies was scared of dogs ....
Spurs have just drawn 1-1 at Bolton, Villa (tee hee) only managed a 1-1 draw at Selhurst Park (smug chuckle) and England have, just, managed to defeat Italy ...
We've just had lunch (late) - the dogs enjoyed theirs too - I am slightly tiddled - life is good ... video to follow (not of me being piddled of course) ...
Living with a lappy - perfect; living with 4 - divine ....
PS - we have a lot of kitchen roll going begging .....
Saturday, 13 February 2010
It's OK - we still have 4 ....
Taavi and Jaaka adopt the compulsory Dogs to Stay pose

It's 8.00pm, the dogs are chilled having all enjoyed their supper, yes even Taavi (the worlds most fickle eater). Fortunately the day was dry meaning that we were able to walk the dogs and get them home without having to towel them dry (and clean) before having them join us in the lounge. The only downside of the walk was trying to prize Mylo's jaws apart to rescue the pigeon he had brought home with him - the pigeon was fine though Mylo was a tad annoyed with us.
As I write they are again chilled - though they have changed places - Jaaka has become one of the pack, he is most definitely not afraid of standing up for himself and he and Mylo have had a couple of rough and tumbles over his toys and Mylo's bones.
Taavi is slowly getting used to the fact that there are doors at Dogs to Stay, he doesn't like them closed and lets us know with a semi-audible whine, and Jaaka has decided that going through the dog-flap into the yard for a wee is actually more fun then peeing where, and when, ever he feels like it.
I really must learn to type quicker - the dogs are having a mad half hour, Jaaka making himself heard, Taavi "loving" Kiva, Kiva trying to ignore Taavi and chase Jaaka and Mylo ..... watching it all go on from the sofa.
Hopefully tonight will pass as peacefully as the last 2 - the dogs sleeping in the kitchen (well I assume that they're sleeping) and only stirring when the cats use the front door cat flap or when the paper is delivered. Tomorrow, if the weather is anything like to today's, may well see us take the pack to the local reservoir for a walk - after that it's me in front of the TV, Italy v England and Spurs v Bolton, before enjoying our Sunday (late) lunch - I'm sure that the dogs will enjoy theirs too.
Talking of enjoying things here are some more pictures from Dogs to Stay:
Taavi is slowly getting used to the fact that there are doors at Dogs to Stay, he doesn't like them closed and lets us know with a semi-audible whine, and Jaaka has decided that going through the dog-flap into the yard for a wee is actually more fun then peeing where, and when, ever he feels like it.
I really must learn to type quicker - the dogs are having a mad half hour, Jaaka making himself heard, Taavi "loving" Kiva, Kiva trying to ignore Taavi and chase Jaaka and Mylo ..... watching it all go on from the sofa.
Hopefully tonight will pass as peacefully as the last 2 - the dogs sleeping in the kitchen (well I assume that they're sleeping) and only stirring when the cats use the front door cat flap or when the paper is delivered. Tomorrow, if the weather is anything like to today's, may well see us take the pack to the local reservoir for a walk - after that it's me in front of the TV, Italy v England and Spurs v Bolton, before enjoying our Sunday (late) lunch - I'm sure that the dogs will enjoy theirs too.
Talking of enjoying things here are some more pictures from Dogs to Stay:
Friday, 12 February 2010
And then there were four
My last post made mention of Oskar's visits - Oscar being the rather gorgeous cream male. I have always hankered after a cream Lapphund and if our personal circumstances had been different we might have able to take a breeder up on her offer to have Glenchess Jaakarhu (Polar Bear) come join our pack. As things transpired Jaakarhu (Jaaka for short) has gone to live with Taavi (a previous guest at Dogs to Stay) in Herts - I get the impression that they (Taavi and Jaaka) are rather pleased with the arrangement.
Jaaka's hufamily are off to somewhere warm for half term meaning that he and Taavi have come to stay so I get my cream male after all, well for a week or so anyway. On arrival, and after the first manic 5 minutes as the 4 dogs reacquainted themselves with each other, we took them for a walk across the fields - nice walk, nice scenery, nice conversation, well behaved dogs - bloody muddy underfoot :-(
I have a feeling that I will be doing quite a bit of dog and floor cleaning over the next week.
At 4 months Jaaka is still a puppy but I have yet to see a more confident little dog - he quickly made himself at home finding the toy box and sussing out how the dog flap worked, something that a couple of our older and regular visitors have yet to achieve ;-)

In the afternoon we took the 4 dogs into town - Louise's hairdresser is a bit of a Mylo fan (the girl has taste) but, having seen a photograph of Jaaka and Taavi was also keen to see dogs of the other colourways - you know what hairdressers and hair colourants are like - so off we went, 4 dogs in a Jeep.
Walking through any town centre with a Lapphund is always an experience, with 2 even more so, but with 4, now that was something memorable - we lost count of the number of times people said "all you need now is a sled" and "look at those Huskies" - memo to those that are NOT in the know "They're not Huskies - they're Finnish Lapphunds". Entering the hairdressers was an experience too - 4 happy lappies and loads of hands to stroke them.
Once home it was time to get the dogs fed and settled for the evening. I think that what follows says it all:
Jaaka's hufamily are off to somewhere warm for half term meaning that he and Taavi have come to stay so I get my cream male after all, well for a week or so anyway. On arrival, and after the first manic 5 minutes as the 4 dogs reacquainted themselves with each other, we took them for a walk across the fields - nice walk, nice scenery, nice conversation, well behaved dogs - bloody muddy underfoot :-(
I have a feeling that I will be doing quite a bit of dog and floor cleaning over the next week.
At 4 months Jaaka is still a puppy but I have yet to see a more confident little dog - he quickly made himself at home finding the toy box and sussing out how the dog flap worked, something that a couple of our older and regular visitors have yet to achieve ;-)

In the afternoon we took the 4 dogs into town - Louise's hairdresser is a bit of a Mylo fan (the girl has taste) but, having seen a photograph of Jaaka and Taavi was also keen to see dogs of the other colourways - you know what hairdressers and hair colourants are like - so off we went, 4 dogs in a Jeep.
Walking through any town centre with a Lapphund is always an experience, with 2 even more so, but with 4, now that was something memorable - we lost count of the number of times people said "all you need now is a sled" and "look at those Huskies" - memo to those that are NOT in the know "They're not Huskies - they're Finnish Lapphunds". Entering the hairdressers was an experience too - 4 happy lappies and loads of hands to stroke them.
Once home it was time to get the dogs fed and settled for the evening. I think that what follows says it all:
Even though we haven't been that busy I did manage to forget making mention of a couple of visits by Oskar.
Oskar is Mylo's 1/2 brother (same mum) and is, as you can see a gorgeous cream - he's a wonderful dog, a tad noisy at times, as is Mylo (I blame their mum) but a joy to have as a guest.

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