Thursday, 18 February 2010

Dog City

Jaaka and Mylo are forced to endure the snow, actually it was their choice

With about 100 properties in the village and around 500 souls it would be a fair bet that one would meet other dogs whilst out and about, today was no exception. On our walk today we met a new golden Labrador brood bitch for the Guide Dogs for the Blind, 2 more golden Labrador brood bitches (Guide Dogs for the Blind once again), a Munsterlander, a Shih tzu, a Springer Spaniel x Border Collie, 2 Clumber Spaniels and a brown Lab, a GSD and a Golden Retriever, another chocolate Labrador, 2 Jack Russels and finally a heavily pregnant black Labrador brood bitch (yup, more Guide Dogs on the way). I make that 15 other dogs - all of which were Jaaka's new best friends - he's a tad fickle ;-) - later today we will be joined by 2 more Lappies who are coming to play - we do like to keep out guests amused.

The pictures below were taken yesterday evening after a hard day's running and playing (the dogs that is, not me).

Lappy days

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