Nothing to worry about - all is well, the dogs, and cats, are fine just a case of being a little busy yesterday evening and not having time to add the days blog.
I always seem to be lucky with the weather, well, when it comes to walking the dogs that is and even though the fields are still pretty wet underfoot there are still plenty of places to walk without the dogs getting too dirty - well, except for Jaaka that is. On my facebook page I recently posted; "contrary to popular belief cream dogs don't get any dirtier than any other colour - they just look dirtier" - Jaaka, bless him, managed to prove me wrong yesterday by, whenever we stopped walking, sitting down - all very admirable but when he chooses to sit down in; mud, horse poo, mud, puddles and clay it did make for a dirty little dog.
Post walk and somewhat grubby
Any way - our walk: We started off as four, Mylo and Jaaka on the brace, Kiva walking alongside Taavi - all is good. We encountered a neighbour en route, a local builder working on his house up the hill - I had seen him driving through the village but never walking - we soon discovered why he had left his pick up at home as walking alongside him was a puppy - well it would be rude to ignore him so we didn't. Holly, the German Short-haired Pointer was a gorgeous 10 week old puppy - full of confidence and totally unaffected by the attentions of the pack - and a great companion on our walk - Jaaka especially liked her as, for once, he had something smaller to play with.Having wandered round the village with the pack of 5 as we chewed the fat - its always nice to get updates on all of the local news and gossip ;-) I continued with the pack of 4 for an extension to the walk - I must have lost all track of time as, upon arrival home, I realised that we had been out for the best part of 2 hours. Excluded from the lounge the dogs just had access to the run and lounge - they soon dried off and before long even Jaaka was back to his normal colour.

The dogs seemed to have enjoyed their day - they were certainly chilled out last evening;

Mylo, who normally hates crates makes the most of Jaaka's
(notice the colour of the grout - now clean)
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