We do like to make our guests feel at home and with Finnish Lapphunds happy with temperatures as low as -40 a little snow only serves to make them feel very much at home.
Snow might look nice however it all too sadly turns to slush and walking 4 lappies can be somewhat mucky - today was no exception and walking across the fields was probably not the best idea - the dogs might have loved it but I got cold, wet and muddy - hey ho, that's what it's all about isn't it :-)
Taavi and Jaaka will be leaving us on Sunday - they have been such easy dogs to care for that we will truly miss them - though I am sure that Kiva and Mylo will enjoy the break before our next guest arrives.
Each dog has its own little quirks and ways that have seen them endear themselves to us:
Taavi and Jaaka will be leaving us on Sunday - they have been such easy dogs to care for that we will truly miss them - though I am sure that Kiva and Mylo will enjoy the break before our next guest arrives.
Each dog has its own little quirks and ways that have seen them endear themselves to us:
- Taavi is such a delicate eater, chewing on each kibble before he has the next; if he were human I am sure that he would have a napkin clipped under his chin.
- Jaaka has a wonderful habit, when we are out walking, of sitting down as soon as we stop - all very admirable and a credit to his training - a bit of a nuisance when he doesn't bother to check what he's sitting in - there are times when he has looked more like a panda than a lappy.
- Taavi really doesn't like being the other side of a closed door - how do we know? Simples, the very faint whine that one can hear from behind the door whenever the dogs are banished from the lounge.
- To say that Taavi is discrete when it comes to doing his business would be an understatement - how he manages to squeeze his rear end into some of his favourite bushes is beyond me.
- Jaaka is unfazed by anything - he takes everything in his stride and every new experience is a new lesson to be learned.
- The way that Taavi picks up a toy and carries it round in his mouth when I first walk into the kitchen in the morning - something that we have encouraged Mylo to do since a puppy - it's quite hard to bark when your mouth is stuffed with a toy (apparently).
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