Sunday 2 May 2010

An Unexpected Pleasure ....

Yesterday I took Keksi and Ismo back home leaving us with just Zomba who was, according to the booking, due to be going home today.

The dynamics have again changed, though Mylo and Kiva still rule the roost Zomba has more space to play, without stepping on Ismo's toes, OK, paws, however it is evident that he misses Keksi who was much more willing to play with him than Kiva.

Zomba doesn't seem perturbed though as he has discovered the contents of the dogs' toy box - Father Christmas seems to be popular as do all of the tuggy toys.

I mentioned that Zomba was due to go back home today ... well he's here for another night :-) and will be dropped off tomorrow en route to a Lappy reunion walk in St. Albans and the subsequent collection of 3 new guests.

It's a busy life at Dogs to Stay but I wouldn't have it any other way.

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